第85章 两位少女 Two Maidens(2 / 2)

“And I,” said the elder one, “would rather have both my arms broken off.”


but the wheelbarrow was of a different opinion; and the wheelbarrow was looked upon as of some consequence, for he considered himself a quarter of a coach, because he went about upon one wheel.

“我必须提请你们注意,” 它说,“‘少女’这个名字太普通了,远没有‘手夯’或者‘捣实器’那么文雅,后一个名字也有人提议过,要是用了它,你们就能被归入印章那一类了;想想国家的大印吧,它盖下皇家印章,让法律生效!不,就你们的情况而言,我会放弃我的少女名。”

“I must submit to your notice,” he said, “that the name ‘maiden’ is mon enough, and not nearly so refined as ‘hand-rammer,’ or ‘stamper,’ which latter has also been proposed, and through which you would be introduced into the category of seals; and only think of the great stamp of state, which impresses the royal seal that gives effect to the laws! No, in your case I would surrender my maiden name.”

“不,当然不!” 年长的那个叫道。“我年纪太大了,做不到。”

“No, certainly not!” exclaimed the elder. “I am too old for that.”

“我猜你们从来没听说过所谓的‘欧洲的必要性’吧?” 诚实的卷尺说道。

“I presume you have never heard of what is called ‘European necessity?’” observed the honest measuring tape.


“one must be able to adapt one’s self to time and circumstances, and if there is a law that the ‘maiden’ is to be called ‘hand-rammer,’ why, she must be called ‘hand-rammer,’ and no pouting will avail, for everything has its measure.”

“不;要是非得改的话,” 年轻些的那个说,“我宁愿被叫做‘小姐’,因为这多少能让人联想到少女。”

“No; if there must be a change,” said the younger, “I should prefer to be called ‘missy,’ for that reminds one a little of maidens.”

“但我宁愿被剁碎成木屑。” 年长些的那个说。

“but I would rather be chopped to chips,” said the elder.


At last they all went to work.

少女们被推着走 —— 也就是说,它们被放进一辆独轮车里,这算是一种优待;但它们依旧被称作 “手夯”。

the maidens rode — that is, they were put in a wheelbarrow, and that was a distinction; but still they were called “hand-rammers.”

“少 ——!” 它们在人行道上被颠簸时说道。“少 ——!” 它们差点就把整个 “少女” 这个词全说出来了;但它们突然打住,把最后一个音节咽了回去;因为经过深思熟虑,它们觉得抗议有失尊严。

“mai —!” they said, as they were bumped upon the pavement. “mai —!” and they were very nearly pronouncing the whole word “maiden;” but they broke off short, and swallowed the last syllable; for after mature deliberation they considered it beneath their dignity to protest.

但它们总是互相称呼对方为 “少女”,并且赞美过去的好时光,那时一切事物都有其恰当的名称,是少女的就被叫做少女。

but they always called each other “maiden,” and praised the good old days in which everything had been called by its right name, and those who were maidens were called maidens.


And they remained as they were; for the hammer really broke off his engagement with the younger one, for nothing would suit him but he must have a maiden for his bride.