Indeed, well-to-do and distinguished people lived here; it was the dwelling of the baron and his family.
Each article was in keeping with its surroundings.
“各得其所” 是这里的人们行事所遵循的座右铭,因此,所有曾经是那座老宅荣耀的画作,如今都挂在了通往仆人房间的过道里。
“Everything in the right place” was the motto according to which they also acted here, and therefore all the paintings which had once been the honour and glory of the old mansion were now hung up in the passage which led to the servants’ rooms.
那些全都是些旧杂物,尤其是两幅肖像画 —— 一幅画的是一个穿着猩红色外套、戴着假发的男人,另一幅画的是一位头发扑粉、卷曲,手里拿着一朵玫瑰的女士,他们每人都被一大圈柳枝环绕着。
It was all old lumber, especially two portraits — one representing a man in a scarlet coat with a wig, and the other a lady with powdered and curled hair holding a rose in her hand, each of them being surrounded by a large wreath of willow branches.
both portraits had many holes in them, because the baron’s sons used the two old people as targets for their crossbows.
they represented the counsellor and his wife, from whom the whole family descended.
“可他们并不真正属于我们这个家族,” 其中一个男孩说,“他是个小贩,她是养鹅的。他们可不像爸爸和妈妈。”
“but they did not properly belong to our family,” said one of the boys; “he was a pedlar and she kept the geese. they were not like papa and mamma.”
这两幅肖像画就是些旧杂物,而且 “各得其所”。这就是为什么曾祖父母的画像被挂在了通往仆人房间的过道里。
the portraits were old lumber, and “everything in its right place.” that was why the great-grandparents had been hung up in the passage leading to the servants’ rooms.
the son of the village pastor was tutor at the mansion.
one day he went for a walk across the fields with his young pupils and their elder sister, who had lately been confirmed.
they walked along the road which passed by the old willow tree, and while they were on the road she picked a bunch of field-flowers.
“Everything in the right place,” and indeed the bunch looked very beautiful.
At the same time she listened to all that was said, and she very much liked to hear the pastor’s son speak about the elements and of the great men and women in history.
She had a healthy mind, noble in thought and deed, and with a heart full of love for everything that God had created.
they stopped at the old willow tree, as the youngest of the baron’s sons wished very much to have a flute from it, such as had been cut for him from other willow trees; the pastor’s son broke a branch off.
“哦,请不要这样做!” 年轻的女士说道;但树枝已经折下来了。
“oh, pray do not do it!” said the young lady; but it was already done.
“that is our famous old tree. I love it very much. they often laugh at me at home about it, but that does not matter. there is a story attached to this tree.”
于是她把我们已经知道的关于这棵树的一切都告诉了他 —— 那座古老的宅邸、小贩和养鹅女,他们就是在那里初次相遇的,并且成了这位年轻女士所属的贵族家族的祖先。
And now she told him all that we already know about the tree — the old mansion, the pedlar and the goose-girl who had met there for the first time, and had bee the ancestors of the noble family to which the young lady belonged.
“那两位善良的老人并不喜欢被封为爵士,” 她说;“他们的座右铭是‘各得其所’,他们认为用钱去买一个头衔是不对的。我的祖父,也就是第一位男爵,是他们的儿子。据说他是一个学识渊博的人,很受王子和公主们的喜爱,还被邀请参加所有的宫廷庆典。”
“they did not like to be knighted, the good old people,” she said; “their motto was ‘everything in the right place,’ and it would not be the right, they thought, to purchase a title for money. my grandfather, the first baron, was their son. they say he was a very learned man, a great favourite with the princes and princesses, and was invited to all court festivities.
the others at home love him best; but, I do not know why, there seemed to me to be something about the old couple that attracts my heart! how homely, how patriarchal, it must have been in the old mansion, where the mistress sat at the spinning-wheel with her maids, while her husband read aloud out of the bible!”
“他们肯定是非常出色、通情达理的人。” 牧师的儿子说道。
“they must have been excellent, sensible people,” said the pastor’s son.
And with this the conversation turned naturally to noblemen and moners; from the manner in which the tutor spoke about the significance of being noble, it seemed almost as if he did not belong to a moner’s family.
“It is good fortune to be of a family who have distinguished themselves, and to possess as it were a spur in oneself to advance to all that is good. It is a splendid thing to belong to a noble family, whose name serves as a card of admission to the highest circles. Nobility is a distinction; it is a gold coin that bears the stamp of its own value. It is the fallacy of the time, and many poets express it, to say that all that is noble is bad and stupid, and that, on the contrary, the lower one goes among the poor, the more brilliant virtues one finds. I do not share this opinion, for it is wrong. In the upper classes one sees many touchingly beautiful traits; my own mother has told me of such, and I could mention several. one day she was visiting a nobleman’s house in town; my grandmother, I believe, had been the lady’s nurse when she was a child.
my mother and the nobleman were alone in the room, when he suddenly noticed an old woman on crutches e limping into the courtyard; she came every Sunday to carry a gift away with her.
“‘there is the poor old woman,’ said the nobleman; ‘it is so difficult for her to walk.’
“my mother had hardly understood what he said before he disappeared from the room, and went downstairs, in order to save her the troublesome walk for the gift she came to fetch.
当然,这只是一件小事,但它有着美好的寓意,就像《圣经》里那个可怜寡妇的两个小钱一样,这种声音能在每个人的心底深处引起回响;而这正是诗人应该展现和指出的 —— 尤其是在我们这个时代,他更应该歌颂这类事情;这是有益的,它能缓和矛盾、促进和解!但是当一个人仅仅因为自己出身贵族、拥有家族谱系,就趾高气扬地站在那里,在街上像阿拉伯马一样嘶鸣,并且当一个平民在房间里待过之后就说:‘一些从街上过来的人来过这儿了,’这时贵族的品质就在堕落;它已经变成了泰斯庇斯所创造的那种面具,而当这样一个人在讽刺作品中被揭露时,是很有意思的。
of course this is only a little incident, but it has its good sound like the poor widow’s two mites in the bible, the sound which echoes in the depth of every human heart; and this is what the poet ought to show and point out — more especially in our own time he ought to sing of this; it does good, it mitigates and reconciles! but when a man, simply because he is of noble birth and possesses a genealogy, stands on his hind legs and neighs in the champion like an Arabian horse, and says when a moner has been in a room: ‘Some people from the street have been here,’ there nobility is decaying; it has bee a mask of the kind that thespis created, and it is amusing when such a person is exposed in satire.”
Such was the tutor’s speech; it was a little long, but while he delivered it he had finished cutting the flute.
there was a large party at the mansion; many guests from the neighbourhood and from the capital had arrived.
there were ladies with tasteful and with tasteless dresses; the big hall was quite crowded with people.
牧师们谦逊地站在一个角落里,看上去好像在为一场葬礼做准备,但这其实是个节日 —— 只是娱乐活动还没开始呢。
the clergymen stood humbly together in a corner, and looked as if they were preparing for a funeral, but it was a funeral — only the amusement had not yet begun.
A great concert was to take place, and that is why the baron’s young son had brought his willow flute with him; but he could not make it sound, nor could his father, and therefore the flute was good for nothing.
there was music and songs of the kind which delight most those that perform them; otherwise quite charming!
“你是个艺术家吗?” 一位贵族子弟说道;“你会吹笛子,这笛子还是你自己做的;是天赋在起作用 —— 荣誉之位当属你呀。”
“Are you an artist?” said a cavalier, the son of his father; “you play on the flute, you have been made it yourself; it is genius that rules — the place of honour is due to you.”
“certainly not! I only advance with the time, and that of course one can’t help.”
“我希望你能用这小乐器给我们大家带来欢乐 —— 你愿意吗?” 说着,他把从池塘边柳树上砍下的笛子递给了家庭教师;然后大声宣布,家庭教师想吹奏一首笛子独奏曲。
“I hope you will delight us all with the little instrument — will you not?” thus saying he handed to the tutor the flute which had been cut from the willow tree by the pool; and then announced in a loud voice that the tutor wished to perform a solo on the flute.
他们显然是想捉弄他 —— 这很明显,所以家庭教师拒绝吹奏,尽管他吹得很不错。
they wished to tease him — that was evident, and therefore the tutor declined to play, although he could do so very well.
they urged and requested him, however, so long, that at last he took up the flute and placed it to his lips.
that was a marvellous flute! Its sound was as thrilling as the whistle of a steam engine; in fact it was much stronger, for it sounded and was heard in the yard, in the garden, in the wood, and many miles round in the country; at the same time a storm rose and roared; “Everything in the right place.”
于是,男爵仿佛被风卷着一般,径直从大厅飞进了牧羊人住的小屋,而牧羊人则飞了起来 —— 他没法飞进大厅,只能飞进仆人们的大厅,落在那些穿着丝袜、趾高气扬地走来走去的机灵男仆中间;这些傲慢的奴仆们看到这样一个人竟敢和他们同桌而坐,都惊恐万分。
And with this the baron, as if carried by the wind, flew out of the hall straight into the shepherd’s cottage, and the shepherd flew — not into the hall, thither he could not e — but into the servants’ hall, among the smart footmen who were striding about in silk stockings; these haughty menials looked horror-struck that such a person ventured to sit at table with them.
但是在大厅里,男爵的女儿飞到了餐桌尽头的贵宾席上 —— 她当之无愧地坐在那里;牧师的儿子坐在她旁边;两人坐在那里,仿佛是一对新婚夫妇。
but in the hall the baron’s daughter flew to the place of honour at the end of the table — she was worthy to sit there; the pastor’s son had the seat next to her; the two sat there as if they were a bridal pair.
An old count, belonging to one of the oldest families of the country, remained untouched in his place of honour; the flute was just, and it is one’s duty to be so.
the sharp-tongued cavalier who had caused the flute to be played, and who was the counsellor of his parents, flew headlong into the fowl-house, but not he alone.
the flute was heard at the distance of a mile, and strange events took place.
A rich banker’s family, who were driving in a coach and four, were blown out of it, and could not even find room behind it with their footmen.
two rich farmers who had in our days shot up higher than their own corn-fields, were flung into the ditch; it was a dangerous flute.
幸运的是,笛子刚一吹就裂了,这倒是件好事,因为这样它就被放回了主人的口袋 ——“各得其所”。
Fortunately it burst at the first sound, and that was a good thing, for then it was put back into its owner’s pocket— “its right place.”
第二天,没人再提前一天发生的事;于是就有了 “把笛子收起来(不再提及某事)” 这个说法。
the next day, nobody spoke a word about what had taken place; thus originated the phrase, “to pocket the flute.”
Everything was again in its usual order, except that the two old pictures of the peddlar and the goose-girl were hanging in the banqueting-hall.
there they were on the wall as if blown up there; and as a real expert said that they were painted by a master’s hand, they remained there and were restored.
“Everything in the right place,” and to this it will e. Eternity is long, much longer indeed than this story.