第27章 钟 The Bell(2 / 2)


At the same moment the bell sounded deep in the wood, so clear and solemnly that five or six determined to penetrate somewhat further. It was so thick, and the foliage so dense, that it was quite fatiguing to proceed. woodroof and anemonies grew almost too high; blooming convolvuluses and blackberry-bushes hung in long garlands from tree to tree, where the nightingale sang and the sunbeams were playing: it was very beautiful, but it was no place for girls to go; their clothes would get so torn. Large blocks of stone lay there, overgrown with moss of every color; the fresh spring bubbled forth, and made a strange gurgling sound.

“那肯定不是钟声。” 一个孩子说着,躺下来听。“这件事必须查清楚。” 于是他留下来,让其他人继续往前走而没有他。

“that surely cannot be the bell,” said one of the children, lying down and listening. “this must be looked to.” So he remained, and let the others go on without him.


they afterwards came to a little house, made of branches and the bark of trees; a large wild apple-tree bent over it, as if it would shower down all its blessings on the roof, where roses were blooming.


the long stems twined round the gable, on which there hung a small bell.


was it that which people had heard?


Yes, everybody was unanimous on the subject, except one, who said that the bell was too small and too fine to be heard at so great a distance, and besides it was very different tones to those that could move a human heart in such a manner.


It was a king’s son who spoke; whereon the others said, “Such people always want to be wiser than everybody else.”


they now let him go on alone; and as he went, his breast was filled more and more with the forest solitude; but he still heard the little bell with which the others were so satisfied, and now and then, when the wind blew, he could also hear the people singing who were sitting at tea where the confectioner had his tent; but the deep sound of the bell rose louder; it was almost as if an organ were acpanying it, and the tones came from the left hand, the side where the heart is placed.


A rustling was heard in the bushes, and a little boy stood before the King’s Son, a boy in wooden shoes, and with so short a jacket that one could see what long wrists he had.


both knew each other: the boy was that one among the children who could not e because he had to go home and return his jacket and boots to the innkeeper’s son. this he had done, and was now going on in wooden shoes and in his humble dress, for the bell sounded with so deep a tone, and with such strange power, that proceed he must.

“那么,我们可以一起走。” 王子说。但是这个刚受坚信礼的穷孩子非常羞愧;他看着自己的木鞋,扯了扯夹克的短袖,说他恐怕走不了那么快;此外,他认为应该朝右边去找钟;因为那是能找到各种美丽东西的地方。

“why, then, we can go together,” said the King’s Son. but the poor child that had been confirmed was quite ashamed; he looked at his wooden shoes, pulled at the short sleeves of his jacket, and said that he was afraid he could not walk so fast; besides, he thought that the bell must be looked for to the right; for that was the place where all sorts of beautiful things were to be found.

“但是那样我们就遇不到了。” 王子说着,同时向这个穷孩子点了点头,这个穷孩子走进了森林最黑暗、最茂密的地方,那里荆棘撕破了他寒酸的衣服,划伤了他的脸、手和脚,直到流血。王子也被划伤了一些地方;但是阳光照在他的路上,我们要跟随的是他,因为他是一个优秀而坚定的年轻人。

“but there we shall not meet,” said the King’s Son, nodding at the same time to the poor boy, who went into the darkest, thickest part of the wood, where thorns tore his humble dress, and scratched his face and hands and feet till they bled. the King’s Son got some scratches too; but the sun shone on his path, and it is him that we will follow, for he was an excellent and resolute youth.

“我必须而且一定要找到那个钟,” 他说,“即使我不得不走到世界的尽头。”

“I must and will find the bell,” said he, “even if I am obliged to go to the end of the world.”

丑陋的猿猴坐在树上,咧嘴笑着。“我们要揍他吗?” 它们说。“我们要揍他吗?他是国王的儿子!” 但是他毫不气馁地继续往前走,走进森林更深处,那里生长着最奇妙的花朵。

the ugly apes sat upon the trees, and grinned. “Shall we thrash him?” said they. “Shall we thrash him? he is the son of a king!” but on he went, without being disheartened, deeper and deeper into the wood, where the most wonderful flowers were growing.


there stood white lilies with blood-red stamina, skyblue tulips, which shone as they waved in the winds, and apple-trees, the apples of which looked exactly like large soapbubbles: so only think how the trees must have sparkled in the sunshine! Around the nicest green meads, where the deer were playing in the grass, grew magnificent oaks and beeches; and if the bark of one of the trees was cracked, there grass and long creeping plants grew in the crevices.


And there were large calm lakes there too, in which white swans were swimming, and beat the air with their wings.


the King’s Son often stood still and listened. he thought the bell sounded from the depths of these still lakes; but then he remarked again that the tone proceeded not from there, but farther off, from out the depths of the forest.

现在太阳落山了:大气像火一样闪耀。森林里仍然很安静,非常安静;他跪下来,唱起了晚祷歌,说道:“我找不到我要找的东西;太阳正在落山,夜晚即将来临 —— 黑暗、黑暗的夜晚。然而也许在那圆圆的红日完全消失之前,我还能再看它一眼。我要爬上那边的岩石。”

the sun now set: the atmosphere glowed like fire. It was still in the woods, so very still; and he fell on his knees, sung his evening hymn, and said: “I cannot find what I seek; the sun is going down, and night is ing — the dark, dark night. Yet perhaps I may be able once more to see the round red sun before he entirely disappears. I will climb up yonder rock.”

他抓住蔓生植物和树根 —— 爬上潮湿的石头,那里水蛇在扭动,蟾蜍在呱呱叫 —— 在太阳完全落山之前他到达了山顶。

And he seized hold of the creeping-plants, and the roots of trees — climbed up the moist stones where the water-snakes were writhing and the toads were croaking — and he gained the summit before the sun had quite gone down.

从这个高度看景色是多么壮丽啊!大海 —— 浩瀚、壮丽的大海,它的长浪拍打着海岸 —— 展现在他的面前。

how magnificent was the sight from this height! the sea — the great, the glorious sea, that dashed its long waves against the coast — was stretched out before him.


And yonder, where sea and sky meet, stood the sun, like a large shining altar, all melted together in the most glowing colors.


the wood and the sea sang a song of rejoicing, and his heart sang with the rest: all nature was a vast holy church, in which the trees and the buoyant clouds were the pillars, flowers and grass the velvet carpeting, and heaven itself the large cupola.


the red colors above faded away as the sun vanished, but a million stars were lighted, a million lamps shone; and the King’s Son spread out his arms towards heaven, and wood, and sea; when at the same moment, ing by a path to the right, appeared, in his wooden shoes and jacket, the poor boy who had been confirmed with him.


he had followed his own path, and had reached the spot just as soon as the son of the king had done.


they ran towards each other, and stood together hand in hand in the vast church of nature and of poetry, while over them sounded the invisible holy bell: blessed spirits floated around them, and lifted up their voices in a rejoicing hallelujah!