第28章 小克劳斯和大克劳斯 Little Claus and Big Claus(2 / 2)

“Skins, skins, who’ll buy skins?” he cried, as he went through the streets.


All the shoemakers and tanners came running, and asked how much he wanted for them.

“一蒲式耳的钱一张。” 大克劳斯回答。

“A bushel of money, for each,” replied Great claus.

“你疯了吗?” 他们都叫道;“你以为我们有一蒲式耳一蒲式耳的钱来花吗?”

“Are you mad?” they all cried; “do you think we have money to spend by the bushel?”

“皮,皮。” 他又喊道,“谁买皮?” 但是对所有问价格的人,他的回答都是:“一蒲式耳的钱。”

“Skins, skins,” he cried again, “who’ll buy skins?” but to all who inquired the price, his answer was, “a bushel of money.”

“他在愚弄我们。” 他们都说;然后鞋匠们拿起他们的皮带,皮匠们拿起他们的皮围裙,开始打大克劳斯。

“he is making fools of us,” said they all; then the shoemakers took their straps, and the tanners their leather aprons, and began to beat Great claus.

“皮,皮!” 他们嘲笑道,“是的,我们要给你把皮打上记号,直到它青一块紫一块。”

“Skins, skins!” they cried, mocking him; “yes, we’ll mark your skin for you, till it is black and blue.”

“把他赶出城去。” 他们说。大克劳斯不得不尽快地跑,他从来没有被这么狠地打过。

“out of the town with him,” said they. And Great claus was obliged to run as fast as he could, he had never before been so thoroughly beaten.

“啊,” 他回到家时说,“小克劳斯会为此付出代价的;我要打死他。”

“Ah,” said he, as he came to his house; “Little claus shall pay me for this; I will beat him to death.”


meanwhile the old grandmother of Little claus died.


She had been cross, unkind, and really spiteful to him; but he was very sorry, and took the dead woman and laid her in his warm bed to see if he could bring her to life again.


there he determined that she should lie the whole night, while he seated himself in a chair in a corner of the room as he had often done before.


during the night, as he sat there, the door opened, and in came Great claus with a hatchet.


he knew well where Little claus’s bed stood; so he went right up to it, and struck the old grandmother on the head, thinking it must be Little claus.

“好了。” 他叫道,“现在你不能再愚弄我了。” 然后他就回家了。

“there,” cried he, “now you cannot make a fool of me again;” and then he went home.

“那是个很坏的人。” 小克劳斯想,“他想杀了我。我的老祖母已经死了真是件好事,不然他会要了她的命。”

“that is a very wicked man,” thought Little claus; “he meant to kill me. It is a good thing for my old grandmother that she was already dead, or he would have taken her life.”


then he dressed his old grandmother in her best clothes, borrowed a horse of his neighbor, and harnessed it to a cart.


then he placed the old woman on the back seat, so that she might not fall out as he drove, and rode away through the wood.


by sunrise they reached a large inn, where Little claus stopped and went to get something to eat.


the landlord was a rich man, and a good man too; but as passionate as if he had been made of pepper and snuff.

“早上好。” 他对小克劳斯说,“你今天来得真早。”

“Good morning,” said he to Little claus; “you are e betimes to-day.”

“是的。” 小克劳斯说,“我要和我的老祖母一起去镇上;她坐在马车后面,但我不能把她带进房间。你能给她一杯蜂蜜酒吗?但你必须大声说,因为她听力不太好。”

“Yes,” said Little claus; “I am going to the town with my old grandmother; she is sitting at the back of the wagon, but I cannot bring her into the room. will you take her a glass of mead? but you must speak very loud, for she cannot hear well.”

“好的,当然可以。” 店主回答;倒了一杯蜂蜜酒,端着走到坐在马车里直挺挺的死去的老祖母那里。

“Yes, certainly I will,” replied the landlord; and, pouring out a glass of mead, he carried it out to the dead grandmother, who sat upright in the cart.

“这是你孙子给你的一杯蜂蜜酒。” 店主说。

“here is a glass of mead from your grandson,” said the landlord.


the dead woman did not answer a word, but sat quite still.

“你没听见吗?” 店主尽可能大声地喊道,“这是你孙子给你的一杯蜂蜜酒。”

“do you not hear?” cried the landlord as loud as he could; “here is a glass of mead from your grandson.”


Again and again he bawled it out, but as she did not stir he flew into a passion, and threw the glass of mead in her face; it struck her on the nose, and she fell backwards out of the cart, for she was only seated there, not tied in.

“嘿!” 小克劳斯叫道,冲出门口,抓住店主的喉咙,“你杀了我的祖母;看,她的额头上有一个大洞。”

“hallo!” cried Little claus, rushing out of the door, and seizing hold of the landlord by the throat; “you have killed my grandmother; see, here is a great hole in her forehead.”

“哦,太不幸了。” 店主绞着双手说,“这都是我的火爆脾气惹的祸。亲爱的小克劳斯,我会给你一蒲式耳的钱;我会像埋葬我自己的祖母一样埋葬你的祖母;只要保持沉默,否则他们会砍掉我的头,那可就糟糕了。”

“oh, how unfortunate,” said the landlord, wringing his hands. “this all es of my fiery temper. dear Little claus, I will give you a bushel of money; I will bury your grandmother as if she were my own; only keep silent, or else they will cut off my head, and that would be disagreeable.”


So it happened that Little claus received another bushel of money, and the landlord buried his old grandmother as if she had been his own.


when Little claus reached home again, he immediately sent a boy to Great claus, requesting him to lend him a bushel measure.

“这是怎么回事?” 大克劳斯想,“我不是杀了他吗?我得去亲自看看。”

“how is this?” thought Great claus; “did I not kill him? I must go and see for myself.”


So he went to Little claus, and took the bushel measure with him.

“你怎么得到这么多钱的?” 大克劳斯问,睁大眼睛盯着他邻居的财宝。

“how did you get all this money?” asked Great claus, staring with wide open eyes at his neighbor’s treasures.

“你杀了我的祖母而不是我。” 小克劳斯说,“所以我把她卖了换了一蒲式耳的钱。”

“You killed my grandmother instead of me,” said Little claus; “so I have sold her for a bushel of money.”

“不管怎么说,这是个好价钱。” 大克劳斯说。

“that is a good price at all events,” said Great claus.


So he went home, took a hatchet, and killed his old grandmother with one blow.


then he placed her on a cart, and drove into the town to the apothecary, and asked him if he would buy a dead body.

“这是谁的?你从哪儿弄来的?” 药剂师问。

“whose is it, and where did you get it?” asked the apothecary.

“这是我的祖母。” 他回答,“我打了她一下把她杀了,这样我就能得到一蒲式耳的钱。”

“It is my grandmother,” he replied; “I killed her with a blow, that I might get a bushel of money for her.”

“天哪!” 药剂师叫道,“你疯了。别说这样的话,否则你会掉脑袋的。”

“heaven preserve us!” cried the apothecary, “you are out of your mind. don’t say such things, or you will lose your head.”


And then he talked to him seriously about the wicked deed he had done, and told him that such a wicked man would surely be punished.


Great claus got so frightened that he rushed out of the surgery, jumped into the cart, whipped up his horses, and drove home quickly.


the apothecary and all the people thought him mad, and let him drive where he liked.

“你要为此付出代价。” 大克劳斯一走上大路就说,“你会付出代价的,小克劳斯。”

“You shall pay for this,” said Great claus, as soon as he got into the highroad, “that you shall, Little claus.”


So as soon as he reached home he took the largest sack he could find and went over to Little claus.

“你又捉弄了我一次。” 他说,“首先,我杀了我所有的马,然后是我的老祖母,这都是你的错;但你不能再愚弄我了。”

“You have played me another trick,” said he. “First, I killed all my horses, and then my old grandmother, and it is all your fault; but you shall not make a fool of me any more.”


So he laid hold of Little claus round the body, and pushed him into the sack, which he took on his shoulders, saying, “Now I’m going to drown you in the river.”


he had a long way to go before he reached the river, and Little claus was not a very light weight to carry.


the road led by the church, and as they passed he could hear the organ playing and the people singing beautifully.


Great claus put down the sack close to the church-door, and thought he might as well go in and hear a psalm before he went any farther.


Little claus could not possibly get out of the sack, and all the people were in church; so in he went.

“哦,天哪,哦,天哪。” 小克劳斯在袋子里叹息着,他翻来覆去;但他发现他解不开系着袋子的绳子。

“oh dear, oh dear,” sighed Little claus in the sack, as he turned and twisted about; but he found he could not loosen the string with which it was tied.


presently an old cattle driver, with snowy hair, passed by, carrying a large staff in his hand, with which he drove a large herd of cows and oxen before him.


they stumbled against the sack in which lay Little claus, and turned it over.

“哦,天哪。” 小克劳斯叹息道,“我还很年轻,却很快就要去天堂了。”

“oh dear,” sighed Little claus, “I am very young, yet I am soon going to heaven.”

“而我,可怜的人。” 牧牛人说,“我已经这么老了,却去不了那里。”

“And I, poor fellow,” said the drover, “I who am so old already, cannot get there.”

“打开袋子。” 小克劳斯喊道,“你代替我钻进去,你很快就会到那里了。”

“open the sack,” cried Little claus; “creep into it instead of me, and you will soon be there.”

“非常乐意。” 牧牛人回答,打开袋子,小克劳斯尽可能快地从里面跳了出来。

“with all my heart,” replied the drover, opening the sack, from which sprung Little claus as quickly as possible.

“你能照看我的牛吗?” 老人边爬进袋子边说。

“will you take care of my cattle?” said the old man, as he crept into the bag.

“可以。” 小克劳斯说,然后他系上袋子,带着所有的母牛和公牛走了。

“Yes,” said Little claus, and he tied up the sack, and then walked off with all the cows and oxen.


when Great claus came out of church, he took up the sack, and placed it on his shoulders.


It appeared to have bee lighter, for the old drover was not half so heavy as Little claus.

“现在他看起来多轻啊。” 他说。

“how light he seems now,” said he.


“Ah, it is because I have been to a church.”


So he walked on to the river, which was deep and broad, and threw the sack containing the old drover into the water, believing it to be Little claus.

“你就在那里躺着吧!” 他喊道,“你现在不会再捉弄我了。”

“there you may lie!” he exclaimed; “you will play me no more tricks now.”


then he turned to go home, but when he came to a place where two roads crossed, there was Little claus driving the cattle.

“这是怎么回事?” 大克劳斯说。“我刚才不是把你淹死了吗?”

“how is this?” said Great claus. “did I not drown you just now?”

“是的。” 小克劳斯说,“你大约半小时前把我扔进了河里。”

“Yes,” said Little claus; “you threw me into the river about half an hour ago.”

“但你从哪儿弄来这些漂亮的牲口?” 大克劳斯问。

“but wherever did you get all these fine beasts?” asked Great claus.

“这些牲口是海牛。” 小克劳斯回答。

“these beasts are sea-cattle,” replied Little claus.


“I’ll tell you the whole story, and thank you for drowning me; I am above you now, I am really very rich.


I was frightened, to be sure, while I lay tied up in the sack, and the wind whistled in my ears when you threw me into the river from the bridge, and I sank to the bottom immediately; but I did not hurt myself, for I fell upon beautifully soft grass which grows down there; and in a moment, the sack opened, and the sweetest little maiden came towards me.


She had snow-white robes, and a wreath of green leaves on her wet hair.


She took me by the hand, and said, ‘So you are e, Little claus, and here are some cattle for you to begin with. About a mile farther on the road, there is another herd for you.’ then I saw that the river formed a great highway for the people who live in the sea.


they were walking and driving here and there from the sea to the land at the, spot where the river terminates.


the bed of the river was covered with the loveliest flowers and sweet fresh grass.


the fish swam past me as rapidly as the birds do here in the air.


“how handsome all the people were, and what fine cattle were grazing on the hills and in the valleys!”

“但是你为什么又上来了呢?” 大克劳斯说,“如果下面那么美,我就不会上来了。”

“but why did you e up again,” said Great claus, “if it was all so beautiful down there? I should not have done so?”

“嗯。” 小克劳斯说,“这是我的明智之举;你刚才听到我说海之少女告诉我再往前走一英里,我会找到一大群牲口。”

“well,” said Little claus, “it was good policy on my part; you heard me say just now that I was told by the sea-maiden to go a mile farther on the road, and I should find a whole herd of cattle.


“by the road she meant the river, for she could not travel any other way; but I knew the winding of the river, and how it bends, sometimes to the right and sometimes to the left, and it seemed a long way, so I chose a shorter one; and, by ing up to the land, and then driving across the fields back again to the river, I shall save half a mile, and get all my cattle more quickly.”

“你真是个幸运的家伙!” 大克劳斯叫道。

“what a lucky fellow you are!” exclaimed Great claus.


“do you think I should get any sea-cattle if I went down to the bottom of the river?”

“是的,我觉得会。” 小克劳斯说,“但我不能用袋子把你带到那里,你太重了。不过如果你先下去,然后爬进一个袋子里,我会非常乐意把你扔进去。”

“Yes, I think so,” said Little claus; “but I cannot carry you there in a sack, you are too heavy. however if you will go there first, and then creep into a sack, I will throw you in with the greatest pleasure.”

“谢谢。” 大克劳斯说,“但记住,如果我在下面得不到海牛,我会再上来好好揍你一顿。”

“thank you,” said Great claus; “but remember, if I do not get any sea-cattle down there I shall e up again and give you a good thrashing.”

“不,现在,别这么凶嘛!” 小克劳斯说,他们朝河边走去。

“No, now, don’t be too fierce about it!” said Little claus, as they walked on towards the river.


when they approached it, the cattle, who were very thirsty, saw the stream, and ran down to drink.

“看它们多着急。” 小克劳斯说,“它们渴望再下去呢。”

“See what a hurry they are in,” said Little claus, “they are longing to get down again.”

“来,帮我一把,快点。” 大克劳斯说,“不然你会挨揍的。”

“e, help me, make haste,” said Great claus; “or you’ll get beaten.”


So he crept into a large sack, which had been lying across the back of one of the oxen.

“放一块石头进去。” 大克劳斯说,“不然我可能沉不下去。”

“put in a stone,” said Great claus, “or I may not sink.”

“哦,那不太可能。” 他回答道;不过他还是把一块大石头放进袋子里,然后紧紧地系上袋子,推了一把。

“oh, there’s not much fear of that,” he replied; still he put a large stone into the bag, and then tied it tightly, and gave it a push.

“扑通!” 大克劳斯掉进了河里,立刻沉到了河底。

“plump!” In went Great claus, and immediately sank to the bottom of the river.

“我担心他找不到任何海牛。” 小克劳斯说,然后他赶着自己的牲口回家了。

“I’m afraid he will not find any cattle,” said Little claus, and then he drove his own beasts homewards.