第41章 邪恶的王子 The Wicked Prince(2 / 2)

hundreds of eagles were attached to this ship, and it rose with the swiftness of an arrow up towards the sun.


the earth was soon left far below, and looked, with its mountains and woods, like a cornfield where the plough had made furrows which separated green meadows; soon it looked only like a map with indistinct lines upon it; and at last it entirely disappeared in mist and clouds.


higher and higher rose the eagles up into the air; then God sent one of his numberless angels against the ship.


the wicked prince showered thousands of bullets upon him, but they rebounded from his shining wings and fell down like ordinary hailstones.

天使翅膀上的白色羽毛渗出了一滴血,仅仅一滴,落在了王子所坐的船上,烧穿了船身,并且像数千英担重的东西一样压在船上,迅速把船又拖向了地面;老鹰强健的翅膀支撑不住了,风在王子头顶呼啸,周围的云 —— 它们是由被烧毁城市升起的浓烟形成的吗?

one drop of blood, one single drop, came out of the white feathers of the angel’s wings and fell upon the ship in which the prince sat, burnt into it, and weighed upon it like thousands of hundredweights, dragging it rapidly down to the earth again; the strong wings of the eagles gave way, the wind roared round the prince’s head, and the clouds around — were they formed by the smoke rising up from the burnt cities?

—— 呈现出奇异的形状,像许多许多英里长的螃蟹,它们伸出爪子朝他抓来,又像巨大的岩石一样耸立起来,从上面滚落下来的巨石变成了喷火的巨龙。

— took strange shapes, like crabs many, many miles long, which stretched their claws out after him, and rose up like enormous rocks, from which rolling masses dashed down, and became fire-spitting dragons.


the prince was lying half-dead in his ship, when it sank at last with a terrible shock into the branches of a large tree in the wood.

“我要征服上帝!” 王子说。

“I will conquer God!” said the prince.


“I have sworn it: my will must be done!”


And he spent seven years in the construction of wonderful ships to sail through the air, and had darts cast from the hardest steel to break the walls of heaven with.


he gathered warriors from all countries, so many that when they were placed side by side they covered the space of several miles.

他们登上了船,王子正要走向自己的船时,上帝派来了一群蚋 —— 就是一群小小的蚋。

they entered the ships and the prince was approaching his own, when God sent a swarm of gnats — one swarm of little gnats.


they buzzed round the prince and stung his face and hands; angrily he drew his sword and brandished it, but he only touched the air and did not hit the gnats.


then he ordered his servants to bring costly coverings and wrap him in them, that the gnats might no longer be able to reach him.


the servants carried out his orders, but one single gnat had placed itself inside one of the coverings, crept into the prince’s ear and stung him.


the place burnt like fire, and the poison entered into his blood.


mad with pain, he tore off the coverings and his clothes too, flinging them far away, and danced about before the eyes of his ferocious soldiers, who now mocked at him, the mad prince, who wished to make war with God, and was overe by a single little gnat.