第80章 各得其所 Everything in the Right Place(1 / 2)

《各得其所》,1853 年

Everything in the Right place, 1853


It is more than a hundred years ago! At the border of the wood, near a large lake, stood the old mansion: deep ditches surrounded it on every side, in which reeds and bulrushes grew.


close by the drawbridge, near the gate, there was an old willow tree, which bent over the reeds.


From the narrow pass came the sound of bugles and the trampling of horses’ feet; therefore a little girl who was watching the geese hastened to drive them away from the bridge, before the whole hunting party came galloping up; they came, however, so quickly, that the girl, in order to avoid being run over, placed herself on one of the high corner-stones of the bridge.


She was still half a child and very delicately built; she had bright blue eyes, and a gentle, sweet expression.


but such things the baron did not notice; while he was riding past the little goose-girl, he reversed his hunting crop, and in rough play gave her such a push with it that she fell backward into the ditch.

“各得其所!” 他喊道。“你就掉进壕沟里去吧。”

“Everything in the right place!” he cried. “Into the ditch with you.”

然后他放声大笑起来,因为他觉得这就是好玩;其他人也跟着笑了起来 —— 整个队伍都在呼喊叫嚷,猎犬也在汪汪叫着。

then he burst out laughing, for that he called fun; the others joined in — the whole party shouted and cried, while the hounds barked.


while the poor girl was falling she happily caught one of the branches of the willow tree, by the help of which she held herself over the water, and as soon as the baron with his pany and the dogs had disappeared through the gate, the girl endeavoured to scramble up, but the branch broke off, and she would have fallen backward among the rushes, had not a strong hand from above seized her at this moment.


It was the hand of a pedlar; he had witnessed what had happened from a short distance, and now hastened to assist her.

“各得其所。” 他学着那位高贵的男爵说道,然后把小女孩拉上了干燥的地面。

“Everything in the right place,” he said, imitating the noble baron, and pulling the little maid up to the dry ground.


he wished to put the branch back in the place it had been broken off, but it is not possible to put everything in the right place; therefore he stuck the branch into the soft ground.

“要是你能生长繁茂,就为那边宅邸里的人做一支好笛子吧。” 他说;要是能看到那位高贵的男爵和他的同伴们被好好教训一顿,他会非常高兴的。

“Grow and thrive if you can, and produce a good flute for them yonder at the mansion,” he said; it would have given him great pleasure to see the noble baron and his panions well thrashed.

然后他进了城堡 —— 但不是宴会厅;他身份太低微,没资格去那儿。

then he entered the castle — but not the banqueting hall; he was too humble for that.

不;他去了仆人的大厅。男仆和女仆们查看了他的货物并和他讨价还价;从上面主人用餐的桌子那儿传来了大声的叫嚷和尖叫:他们把那叫做唱歌 —— 确实,他们已经尽力了。

No; he went to the servants’ hall. the men-servants and maids looked over his stock of articles and bargained with him; loud crying and screaming were heard from the master’s table above: they called it singing — indeed, they did their best.


Laughter and the howls of dogs were heard through the open windows: there they were feasting and revelling; wine and strong old ale were foaming in the glasses and jugs; the favourite dogs ate with their masters; now and then the squires kissed one of these animals, after having wiped its mouth first with the tablecloth.


they ordered the pedlar to e up, but only to make fun of him.


the wine had got into their heads, and reason had left them.


they poured beer into a stocking that he could drink with them, but quick.


that’s what they called fun, and it made them laugh.


then meadows, peasants, and farmyards were staked on one card and lost.

“各得其所!” 小贩终于安全地从他所谓的 “所多玛和蛾摩拉”(指那座城堡里荒淫堕落的地方)出来后说道。“开阔的大路才是我的安身之所;在那里(城堡里)我可感觉不自在。”

“Everything in the right place!” the pedlar said when he had at last safely got out of Sodom and Gomorrah, as he called it. “the open high road is my right place; up there I did not feel at ease.”


the little maid, who was still watching the geese, nodded kindly to him as he passed through the gate.

日子一天天、一周周过去了,人们发现小贩插在壕沟边地里的那根断柳树枝依然鲜嫩翠绿 —— 不仅如此,它甚至还长出了新的嫩枝;小养鹅女看到树枝已经生根,非常高兴;她说,这棵树现在是她的树了。

days and weeks passed, and it was seen that the broken willow-branch which the peddlar had stuck into the ground near the ditch remained fresh and green — nay, it even put forth fresh twigs; the little goose-girl saw that the branch had taken root, and was very pleased; the tree, so she said, was now her tree.


while the tree was advancing, everything else at the castle was going backward, through feasting and gambling, for these are two rollers upon which nobody stands safely.


Less than six years afterwards the baron passed out of his castle-gate a poor beggar, while the baronial seat had been bought by a rich tradesman.


he was the very pedlar they had made fun of and poured beer into a stocking for him to drink; but honesty and industry bring one forward, and now the pedlar was the possessor of the baronial estate.


From that time forward no card-playing was permitted there.

“那是种糟糕的消遣方式,” 他说,“魔鬼第一次见到《圣经》时,就想搞出个与之对立的滑稽模仿品,于是就发明了玩牌。”

“that’s a bad pastime,” he said; “when the devil saw the bible for the first time he wanted to produce a caricature in opposition to it, and invented card-playing.”

这座府邸的新主人娶了一位妻子,他娶的是谁呢?—— 就是那个一直善良温顺的小养鹅女,她穿上新衣后看起来和出身名门的贵妇一样美丽。

the new proprietor of the estate took a wife, and whom did he take? — the little goose-girl, who had always remained good and kind, and who looked as beautiful in her new clothes as if she had been a lady of high birth.


And how did all this e about? that would be too long a tale to tell in our busy time, but it really happened, and the most important events have yet to be told.


It was pleasant and cheerful to live in the old place now: the mother superintended the household, and the father looked after things out-of-doors, and they were indeed very prosperous.


where honesty leads the way, prosperity is sure to follow.


the old mansion was repaired and painted, the ditches were cleaned and fruit-trees planted; all was homely and pleasant, and the floor were as white and shining as a pasteboard.

在漫长的冬夜,女主人和女仆们会坐在大厅里的纺车旁;每个星期天,那位参事 —— 这是小贩年老时获得的头衔 —— 会大声朗读《圣经》的一部分内容。

In the long winter evenings the mistress and her maids sat at the spinning-wheel in the large hall; every Sunday the counsellor — this title the pedlar had obtained, although only in his old days — read aloud a portion from the bible.


the children (for they had children) all received the best education, but they were not all equally clever, as is the case in all families.


In the meantime the willow tree near the drawbridge had grown up into a splendid tree, and stood there, free, and was never clipped.

“这是我们的族谱树,” 老两口对孩子们说,“所以必须敬重它。”

“It is our genealogical tree,” said the old people to their children, “and therefore it must be honoured.”


A hundred years had elapsed. It was in our own days; the lake had been transformed into marsh land; the whole baronial seat had, as it were, disappeared.

一些残垣断壁旁的一潭水是那些深深壕沟仅存的遗迹;这里矗立着一棵枝繁叶茂的老柳树 —— 那就是族谱树。

A pool of water near some ruined walls was the only remainder of the deep ditches; and here stood a magnificent old tree with overhanging branches — that was the genealogical tree.


here it stood, and showed how beautiful a willow can look if one does not interfere with it.


the trunk, it is true, was cleft in the middle from the root to the crown; the storms had bent it a little, but it still stood there, and out of every crevice and cleft, in which wind and weather had carried mould, blades of grass and flowers sprang forth.


Especially above, where the large boughs parted, there was quite a hanging garden, in which wild raspberries and hart’s-tongue ferns throve, and even a little mistletoe had taken root, and grew gracefully in the old willow branches, which were reflected in the dark water beneath when the wind blew the chickweed into the corner of the pool.


A footpath which led across the fields passed close by the old tree.


high up, on the woody hillside, stood the new mansion.


It had a splendid view, and was large and magnificent; its window panes were so clear that one might have thought there were none there at all.


the large flight of steps which led to the entrance looked like a bower covered with roses and broad-leaved plants.


the lawn was as green as if each blade of grass was cleaned separately morning and evening.


Inside, in the hall, valuable oil paintings were hanging on the walls.


here stood chairs and sofas covered with silk and velvet, which could be easily rolled about on castors; there were tables with polished marble tops, and books bound in morocco with gilt edges.
