第17章 最不可思议的事 The Most Incredible Thing(2 / 2)

ten o’clock struck, and moses came forth again, this time with the tables in which were written all ten of God’s mandments.


when the clock struck again, boys and girls danced out. they played and sang this song:


“All the way to heaven, the clock struck eleven.”


And eleven it struck. then came the stroke of twelve.

值夜人走了出来,戴着帽子,拿着启明星 —— 那是一根顶端带刺的警棍。

out marched the night watchman, wearing his cap and carrying his morning star - which is a truncheon tipped with spikes.


he sang the old watch song:

“就在午夜时分,我们的救世主诞生了 ——”

“’twas at the midnight hour, our Savior he was born - ”


and as he sang the roses about him unfolded into the heads of angels, with rainbow - tinted wings.


It was good to hear. It was charming to see.


the whole thing was a work of extraordinary craftsmanship, and everyone agreed that it was the most incredible thing.


the artist who had made it was young, generous, and sincere, a true friend, and a great help to his poor father and mother.


he was altogether worthy of the princess and of half the kingdom.


on the day that they were to proclaim who had won, the whole town was bedecked and be - draped. the princess sat on her throne.


It had been newly stuffed with horsehair for the occasion, but it was still far from fortable or pleasant. the judges winked knowingly at the man they had chosen, who stood there so happy and proud.


his fortune was made, for had he not done the most incredible thing!

“不!” 一个高大、瘦削、强壮的家伙大声嚷道。“让我来,我才是能做出最不可思议之事的人。” 然后他朝着工匠的时钟抡起了斧头。噼啪,哗啦,粉碎!

“No!” a tall, bony, powerful fellow bawled out. “Leave it to me, I am the man to do the most incredible thing,” and then he swung his ax at the craftsman’s clock. crack, crash, smash!


there lay the whole thing. here rolled the wheels, and there flew the hairsprings.

它被毁坏了。“是我干的,” 这个粗人说。“我的作品胜过了他的,一下子就把你们都镇住了。我做出了最不可思议的事。”

It was wrecked and ruined. “I did that,” said the lout. “my work beat his, and bowled you over, all in one stroke. I have done the most incredible thing.”

“毁掉这样一件艺术品!” 评委们说。“哎呀,这是我们见过的最不可思议的事。” 人们也这么说。于是他被授予公主和半个王国,因为法律就是法律,即使它碰巧是一条最不可思议的法律。

“to destroy such a work of art!” said the judges. “why it’s the most incredible thing we’ve ever seen.” And the people said so too. So he was awarded the princess and half the kingdom, because a law is a law, even if it happens to be a most incredible one.

他们在城墙上和城楼里吹响喇叭,宣布:“婚礼现在举行。” 公主对此并不是特别高兴,但她看起来很漂亮,穿着她最昂贵的衣服。

they blew trumpets from the ramparts and the city towers, and they announced, “the wedding will now take place.” the princess was not especially happy about it, but she looked pretty and she wore her most expensive clothes.


the church was at its best by candle - light, late in the evening. the ladies of the court sang in processions, and escorted the bride. the lords sung, and acpanied the groom.


From the way he strutted and swaggered along, you’d think that nothing could ever bowl him over.


then the singing stopped. It was so still that you could have heard a pin fall in the street.


but it was not quiet for long. crash! crash! the great church doors flew open, and boom! boom! all the works of the clock came marching down the church aisle and halted between the bride and the groom.


dead men cannot walk the earth. that’s true, but a work of art does not die. Its shape may be shattered, but the spirit of art cannot be broken. the spirit of art jested, and that was no joke.


. to all appearances it stood there as if it were whole, and had never been wrecked. the clock struck one hour right after another, from one to twelve, and all the figures poured forth.


First moses came, shining as if bright flames issued from his forehead. he cast the heavy stone tablets of the law at the bridegroom’s feet, and tied them to the church floor.

“我再也举不起来了,” 摩西说,“因为你弄断了我的手臂。站在原地别动!”

“I cannot lift them again,” said moses, “for you have broken my arms. Stand where you are!”

然后亚当和夏娃、东方的三位智者和四季都来了。每个人都对他说出了不愉快的真相。“你真可耻!” 但他并不感到羞耻。

then came Adam and Eve, the three wise men of the East, and the four Seasons. Each told him the disagreeable truth. “Shame on you!” but he was not ashamed.


All the figures of all the hours marched out of the clock, and they grew wondrous big. there was scarcely room for the living people.


And at the stroke of twelve out strode the watchman, with his cap and his many - spiked morning star.


there was a strange motion. the watchman went straight to the bridegroom, and smote him on the forehead with his morning star.

“躺在那儿吧,” 守夜人说。“以牙还牙。我们已经为自己和主人报了仇,所以现在我们要消失了。”

“Lie where you are,” said the watchman. “A blow for a blow. we have taken out vengeance and the master’s too, so now we will vanish.”


And vanish they did, every cogwheel and figure. but the candles of the church flared up like flowers of fire, and the gilded stars under the roof cast down long clear shafts of light, and the organ sounded though no man had touched it. the people all said that they had lived to see the most incredible thing.

“现在,” 公主命令道,“把那个合适的人,制作那件艺术品的工匠召来。他将成为我的丈夫和我的主人。”

“Now,” the princess manded, “summon the right man, the craftsman who made the work of art. he shall be my husband and my lord.”


he stood beside her in the church. All the people were in his train. Everyone was happy for him, everyone blessed him, and there was no one who was envious. And that was the most incredible thing.