第17章 最不可思议的事 The Most Incredible Thing(1 / 2)

《最不可思议的事》,1870 年

the most Incredible thing, 1870



First published in the United States in the Riverside magazine for Young people, “the most Astonishing thing” was considered by Andersen to be one of his best stories.


A tale written near the end of his life, it is an unlikely candidate for a children’s magazine, for in it Andersen summed up the essence of art.

作为 “最惊人的事” 的时钟代表了暂时性和超越性。

the clock that serves as “the most astonishing thing” represents both temporality and transcendence.


It keeps time, but it is also an objet d’art that resists destruction, ing back to life even after it has been smashed to bits.


It houses the biblical and the mythical, the seasons and the senses, the visual and the acoustical, the carnal and the spiritual.


Everything that Andersen wanted in art is housed in that extraordinary clock that astonishes everyone.


the art of astonishment was no small matter to Andersen.


It is telling that the winner of the contest staged in this story is a man who creates an object that shocks precisely because it provides the semblance of life.

这个谦逊的工匠制作的时钟不仅仅是一个机械物件 —— 它充满生命活力并且抓住了所有看到它的人的想象力。

the modest craftsman makes a clock that is more than a mechanical thing—it pulses with life and captures the imagination of all who see it.


the work he produces mingles the secular with the sacred and the pagan with the christian: it brings together prophets and wise men, monks and muses.


Above all, it bees a second creation, a work with a life of its own and even a degree of immortality.


the clock and the figures in it, like the statue of psyche in Andersen’s story of that name, defy destruction and live on in a way that humans cannot. here, as in other tales, beauty transcends decay and destruction.



whosoever could do the most incredible thing was to have the King’s daughter and half of his kingdom.


the young men, yes, and the old ones too, bent their heads, their muscles, and their hearts upon winning.


to do what they thought was the most incredible thing, two ate themselves to death, and one died of overdrinking.


Even the boys in the street practiced spitting on their own backs, which they supposed was the most incredible thing anyone could do.


on a certain day there was to be an exhibition of things most incredible and everyone showed his best work. Judges were appointed, ranging from children of three to old men of ninety.

这是一场非凡事物的盛大展览,但每个人都立刻一致认为最不可思议的是一个大厅时钟 —— 一个从内到外都不同寻常的奇妙装置。

It was a grand exposition of things out of the ordinary, but everybody promptly agreed that most incredible of all was a great hall clock - an extraordinary contraption, outside and in.


when the clock struck, out came lifelike figures to tell the hour.


there were twelve separate performances of these moving figures, with speaking and singing. people said that nothing so incredible had ever before been seen.

时钟敲响一下,摩西站在山上,正在石板上书写第一条伟大的戒律:“只有一位真神。” 时钟敲响两下,亚当和夏娃出现了,就像他们最初在伊甸园相遇时一样。

the clock struck one, and there stood moses on the mountain, writing in the tablets of the law the first great mandment: “there is only one true God.” the clock struck two, and there were Adam and Eve, just as they first met in the Garden of Eden.


were ever two people so lucky! they didn’t own so much as a clothes - closet, and they didn’t need one. At the stroke of three the three holy Kings appeared.


one was as black as a coal, but he couldn’t help that. the sun had blackened him.


these kings brought incense and precious gifts. when the stroke of four sounded, the seasons advanced in their order.


Spring carried a budding bough of beech, on which a cuckoo sang.


Summer had for her sign a grasshopper on a ripening ear of wheat. Autumn had only an empty stork’s nest, for the birds had flown away.


winter’s tame crow perched on the corner of the stove, and told old tales of bygone days.


At five o’clock there was a procession of the five senses. Sight was represented by a man who made spectacles. hearing was a noisy coppersmith.


Smell was a flower girl with violets for sale. taste came dressed as a cook. Feeling was a mourner, with crape down to his heels.


As the clock struck six, there sat a gambler, throwing dice for the highest cast of all, and they fell with the sixes up.


then came the seven days of the week, or they might be the seven deadly sins.


people could not be sure which they were, for they were not easy to distinguish. Next came a choir of monks, to sing the eight o’clock evensong.


At the stroke of nine, the nine muses appeared. one was an astronomer, one kept the books of history, and the others were connected with the theater.

