第20章 影子 The Shadow,(1 / 2)

《影子》,1847 年

the Shadow, 1847


安徒生 1846 年在那不勒斯时写了《影子》的大部分内容。

Andersen wrote much of “the Shadow” in 1846 when he was in Naples.

在 6 月 8 日的一篇日记中,他抱怨道:“天气酷热难耐。我几乎不敢出门。”

In a diary entry of June 8, he plained: “the heat is pouring down. I hardly dare go outside.”


the following day, he announced: “In the evening, began writing the story of my shadow.”

注意所有格代词的使用,安徒生将自己塑造成来自 “寒冷地区” 的 “有学问的人”,这样《影子》就成了作者本人的一种反映 —— 或者说影子。

Note the use of the possessive pronoun, with Andersen cast as the “learned man” from “cold lands” so that “the Shadow” bees a reflection—or shadow—of its author.


the tale marks a real turning point in Andersen’s literary production, for it establishes him as an author whose work is animated by the theme of artistic and existential crisis.


Like his british, European, and American contemporaries, he became fascinated with doubles, shadows, portraits, and statues, finding in them metaphors for exploring the divided self.

自主的影子出现在许多 19 世纪的文学作品中,最着名的是阿德尔伯特?沙米索的《彼得?施莱米尔的奇妙故事》(1814 年),该书出版后不久就被译成多种语言。

the autonomous shadow has appeared in many nineteenth - century literary works, most notably Adelbert chamisso’s the marvelous Story of peter Schlemihl (1814), which was translated into many languages shortly after its publication.

1831 年安徒生到柏林旅行时遇到了沙米索,并在自传中提到他在这位有法国血统的普鲁士诗人身上找到了一位 “终生” 的朋友。

Andersen met chamisso when he traveled to berlin in 1831 and noted in his autobiography that he had found in the prussian poet of French descent a “life - long” friend.


Andersen deepens chamisso’s story by turning the shadow into the sinister force of the tale, suggesting that truly menacing forces emerge from within.



In very hot climates, where the heat of the sun has great power, people are usually as brown as mahogany; and in the hottest countries they are negroes, with black skins.


A learned man once travelled into one of these warm climates, from the cold regions of the north, and thought he would roam about as he did at home; but he soon had to change his opinion.


he found that, like all sensible people, he must remain in the house during the whole day, with every window and door closed, so that it looked as if all in the house were asleep or absent.


the houses of the narrow street in which he lived were so lofty that the sun shone upon them from morning till evening, and it became quite unbearable.


this learned man from the cold regions was young as well as clever; but it seemed to him as if he were sitting in an oven, and he became quite exhausted and weak, and grew so thin that his shadow shrivelled up, and became much smaller than it had been at home.


the sun took away even what was left of it, and he saw nothing of it till the evening, after sunset.


It was really a pleasure, as soon as the lights were brought into the room, to see the shadow stretch itself against the wall, even to the ceiling, so tall was it; and it really wanted a good stretch to recover its strength.


the learned man would sometimes go out into the balcony to stretch himself also; and as soon as the stars came forth in the clear, beautiful sky, he felt revived.


people at this hour began to make their appearance in all the balconies in the street; for in warm climates every window has a balcony, in which they can breathe the fresh evening air, which is very necessary, even to those who are used to a heat that makes them as brown as mahogany; so that the street presented a very lively appearance.


here were shoemakers, and tailors, and all sorts of people sitting.


In the street beneath, they brought out tables and chairs, lighted candles by hundreds, talked and sang, and were very merry.

有人在散步,有马车在行驶,骡子挂着铃铛小跑着,“叮当,叮当” 地响着。

there were people walking, carriages driving, and mules trotting along, with their bells on the harness, “tingle, tingle,” as they went.


then the dead were carried to the grave with the sound of solemn music, and the tolling of the church bells.


It was indeed a scene of varied life in the street.


one house only, which was just opposite to the one in which the foreign learned man lived, formed a contrast to all this, for it was quite still; and yet somebody dwelt there, for flowers stood in the balcony, blooming beautifully in the hot sun; and this could not have been unless they had been watered carefully.


therefore some one must be in the house to do this.


the doors leading to the balcony were half opened in the evening; and although in the front room all was dark, music could be heard from the interior of the house.


the foreign learned man considered this music very delightful; but perhaps he fancied it; for everything in these warm countries pleased him, excepting the heat of the sun.

外国房东说他不知道是谁租了对面的房子 —— 在那里看不到任何人;至于那音乐,他觉得那似乎非常乏味,对他来说极其乏味。

the foreign landlord said he did not know who had taken the opposite house — nobody was to be seen there; and as to the music, he thought it seemed very tedious, to him most unmonly so.


“It is just as if some one was practising a piece that he could not manage; it is always the same piece.


he thinks, I suppose, that he will be able to manage it at last; but I do not think so, however long he may play it.”


once the foreigner woke in the night.


he slept with the door open which led to the balcony; the wind had raised the curtain before it, and there appeared a wonderful brightness over all in the balcony of the opposite house.


the flowers seemed like flames of the most gorgeous colors, and among the flowers stood a beautiful slender maiden.


It was to him as if light streamed from her, and dazzled his eyes; but then he had only just opened them, as he awoke from his sleep.


with one spring he was out of bed, and crept softly behind the curtain.

但是她不见了 —— 亮光消失了;那些花不再像火焰了,尽管仍然和以前一样美丽。

but she was gone — the brightness had disappeared; the flowers no longer appeared like flames, although still as beautiful as ever.


the door stood ajar, and from an inner room sounded music so sweet and so lovely, that it produced the most enchanting thoughts, and acted on the senses with magic power.


who could live there? where was the real entrance?


for, both in the street and in the lane at the side, the whole ground floor was a continuation of shops; and people could not always be passing through them.


one evening the foreigner sat in the balcony. A light was burning in his own room, just behind him.


It was quite natural, therefore, that his shadow should fall on the wall of the opposite house; so that, as he sat amongst the flowers on his balcony, when he moved, his shadow moved also.

“我想我的影子是对面能看到的唯一有生命的东西了,” 学者说;“看它坐在花丛中多惬意啊。

“I think my shadow is the only living thing to be seen opposite,” said the learned man; “see how pleasantly it sits among the flowers.


the door is only ajar; the shadow ought to be clever enough to step in and look about him, and then to e back and tell me what he has seen.

你可以这样发挥作用,” 他开玩笑地说;“劳驾现在就进去,好吗?”

“You could make yourself useful in this way,” said he, jokingly; “be so good as to step in now, will you?”


and then he nodded to the shadow, and the shadow nodded in return.


“Now go, but don’t stay away altogether.”


then the foreigner stood up, and the shadow on the opposite balcony stood up also; the foreigner turned round, the shadow turned; and if any one had observed, they might have seen it go straight into the half - opened door of the opposite balcony, as the learned man re - entered his own room, and let the curtain fall.


the next morning he went out to take his coffee and read the newspapers.


“how is this?” he exclaimed, as he stood in the sunshine.


“I have lost my shadow. So it really did go away yesterday evening, and it has not returned. this is very annoying.”


And it certainly did vex him, not so much because the shadow was gone, but because he knew there was a story of a man without a shadow.


All the people at home, in his country, knew this story; and when he returned, and related his own adventures, they would say it was only an imitation; and he had no desire for such things to be said of him.


So he decided not to speak of it at all, which was a very sensible determination.


In the evening he went out again on his balcony, taking care to place the light behind him; for he knows that a shadow always wants his master for a screen; but he could not entice him out.


he made himself little, and he made himself tall; but there was no shadow, and no shadow came.

他说:“哼,哼;” 但这都没有用。

he said, “hem, a - hem;” but it was all useless.


that was very vexatious; but in warm countries everything grows very quickly; and, after a week had passed, he saw, to his great joy, that a new shadow was growing from his feet, when he walked in the sunshine; so that the root must have remained.


After three weeks, he had quite a respectable shadow, which, during his return journey to northern lands, continued to grow, and became at last so large that he might very well have spared half of it.

当这位学者回到家后,他写了关于这个世界上存在的真、善、美的书籍;就这样,日子和年头过去了 —— 许多许多年。

when this learned man arrived at home, he wrote books about the true, the good, and the beautiful, which are to be found in this world; and so days and years passed — many, many years.


one evening, as he sat in his study, a very gentle tap was heard at the door.

“进来,” 他说;但是没有人进来。

“e in,” said he; but no one came.


he opened the door, and there stood before him a man so remarkably thin that he felt seriously troubled at his appearance.


he was, however, very well dressed, and looked like a gentleman.


“to whom have I the honor of speaking?” said he.

“啊,我原以为你会认出我来,” 这位优雅的陌生人说;“我收获了很多,我有了肉身,还有衣服穿。

“Ah, I hoped you would recognize me,” said the elegant stranger; “I have gained so much that I have a body of flesh, and clothes to wear.


You never expected to see me in such a condition.


do you not recognize your old shadow?


Ah, you never expected that I should return to you again.


All has been prosperous with me since I was with you last; I have bee rich in every way, and, were I inclined to purchase my freedom from service, I could easily do so.”


And as he spoke he rattled between his fingers a number of costly trinkets which hung to a thick gold watch - chain he wore round his neck.


diamond rings sparkled on his fingers, and it was all real.

“我惊得缓不过神来,” 学者说。“这一切是怎么回事?”

“I cannot recover from my astonishment,” said the learned man.“what does all this mean?”

“有点不同寻常,” 影子说;“但你自己就是个非凡的人,而且你很清楚,自从你小时候起,我就一直追随你的脚步。

“Something rather unusual,” said the shadow; “but you are yourself an unmon man, and you know very well that I have followed in your footsteps ever since your childhood.


As soon as you found that I have travelled enough to be trusted alone, I went my own way, and I am now in the most brilliant circumstances.


but I felt a kind of longing to see you once more before you die, and I wanted to see this place again, for there is always a clinging to the land of one’s birth.


I know that you have now another shadow; do I owe you anything?


If so, have the goodness to say what it is.”


“No! Is it really you?” said the learned man.


“well, this is most remarkable; I never supposed it possible that a man’s old shadow could bee a human being.”

“就告诉我我欠你什么,” 影子说,“因为我不想欠任何人的债。”

“Just tell me what I owe you,” said the shadow, “for I do not like to be in debt to any man.”


“how can you talk in that manner?” said the learned man. “what question of debt can there be between us?


You are as free as any one.


I rejoice exceedingly to hear of your good fortune.


Sit down, old friend, and tell me a little of how it happened, and what you saw in the house opposite to me while we were in those hot climates.”

“是的,我会把一切都告诉你,” 影子说着坐了下来;“但是你必须答应我,无论在这个城市的什么地方遇到我,都不要说我曾经是你的影子。

“Yes, I will tell you all about it,” said the shadow, sitting down; “but then you must promise me never to tell in this city, wherever you may meet me, that I have been your shadow.


I am thinking of being married, for I have more than sufficient to support a family.”

“放心吧,” 学者说;“我不会告诉任何人你到底是谁。

“make yourself quite easy,” said the learned man; “I will tell no one who you really are.

这是我的手 —— 我保证,人与人之间一句话就足够了。

here is my hand, — I promise, and a word is sufficient between man and man.”

“人和影子之间。” 影子说道,因为他忍不住这样说。

“between man and a shadow,” said the shadow; for he could not help saying so.


It was really most remarkable how very much he had bee a man in appearance.


he was dressed in a suit of the very finest black cloth, polished boots, and an opera crush hat, which could be folded together so that nothing could be seen but the crown and the rim, besides the trinkets, the gold chain, and the diamond rings already spoken of.


the shadow was, in fact, very well dressed, and this made a man of him.

“现在我要告诉你你想知道的事情。” 影子说,他把穿着锃亮皮靴的脚尽可能稳地踩在学者的新影子的手臂上,那新影子像一只卷毛狗似的趴在他脚边。

“Now I will relate to you what you wish to know,” said the shadow, placing his foot with the polished leather boot as firmly as possible on the arm of the new shadow of the learned man, which lay at his feet like a poodle dog.


this was done, it might be from pride, or perhaps that the new shadow might cling to him, but the prostrate shadow remained quite quiet and at rest, in order that it might listen, for it wanted to know how a shadow could be sent away by its master, and bee a man itself.

“你知道吗,” 影子说,“在你对面的房子里住着世界上最光辉的人?那就是诗歌。

“do you know,” said the shadow, “that in the house opposite to you lived the most glorious creature in the world? It was poetry.


I remained there three weeks, and it was more like three thousand years, for I read all that has ever been written in poetry or prose; and I may say, in truth, that I saw and learnt everything.”

“诗歌!” 学者叫道。

“poetry!” exclaimed the learned man.


“Yes, she lives as a hermit in great cities.


poetry! well, I saw her once for a very short moment, while sleep weighed down my eyelids.


She flashed upon me from the balcony like the radiant aurora borealis, surrounded with flowers like flames of fire.


tell me, you were on the balcony that evening; you went through the door, and what did you see?”

“我发现自己在一个前厅里。” 影子说。

“I found myself in an ante - room,” said the shadow.


“You still sat opposite to me, looking into the room.


there was no light, or at least it seemed in partial darkness, for the door of a whole suite of rooms stood open, and they were brilliantly lighted.


the blaze of light would have killed me, had I approached too near the maiden myself, but I was cautious, and took time, which is what every one ought to do.”

“你看到了什么?” 学者问道。

“And what didst thou see?”

asked the learned man.

“我看到了一切,你听我讲。但是 —— 作为一个自由人,拥有我所拥有的知识,还有我的地位,更不用说我的财富了,这真的不是我骄傲 —— 我希望你对我用‘you’而不是‘thou’。”

“I saw everything, as you shall hear. but — it really is not pride on my part, as a free man and possessing the knowledge that I do, besides my position, not to speak of my wealth — I wish you would say you to me instead of thou.”

“对不起。” 学者说;“这是个很难改掉的老习惯。你说得很对;我会尽量注意的。但现在告诉我你看到的一切吧。”

“I beg your pardon,” said the learned man; “it is an old habit, which it is difficult to break. You are quite right; I will try to think of it. but now tell me everything that you saw.”

“一切。” 影子说;“因为我看到了并且知道一切。”

“Everything,” said the shadow; “for I saw and know everything.”

“里面房间的样子是怎样的?” 学者问。

“what was the appearance of the inner rooms?”

asked the scholar.


“was it there like a cool grove, or like a holy temple? were the chambers like a starry sky seen from the top of a high mountain?”

“你描述的那些都有,” 影子说,“但我没有完全进去 —— 我待在前厅的昏暗中 —— 但我的位置很好 —— 我能看到和听到诗歌殿堂里发生的一切。”

“It was all that you describe,” said the shadow; “but I did not go quite in — I remained in the twilight of the ante - room — but I was in a very good position, — I could see and hear all that was going on in the court of poetry.”


“but what did you see? did the gods of ancient times pass through the rooms? did old heroes fight their battles over again? were there lovely children at play, who related their dreams?”


“I tell you I have been there, and therefore you may be sure that I saw everything that was to be seen.


If you had gone there, you would not have remained a human being, whereas I became one; and at the same moment I became aware of my inner being, my inborn affinity to the nature of poetry.
