It is true I did not think much about it while I was with you, but you will remember that I was always much larger at sunrise and sunset, and in the moonlight even more visible than yourself, but I did not then understand my inner existence.
In the ante - room it was revealed to me.
I became a man; I came out in full maturity.
but you had left the warm countries.
As a man, I felt ashamed to go about without boots or clothes, and that exterior finish by which man is known.
So I went my own way; I can tell you, for you will not put it in a book.
I hid myself under the cloak of a cake woman, but she little thought who she concealed.
It was not till evening that I ventured out.
I ran about the streets in the moonlight.
I drew myself up to my full height upon the walls, which tickled my back very pleasantly.
I ran here and there, looked through the highest windows into the rooms, and over the roofs.
I looked in, and saw what nobody else could see, or indeed ought to see; in fact, it is a bad world, and I would not care to be a man, but that men are of some importance.
我看到了夫妻之间、父母与孩子之间发生的最悲惨的事 —— 那些可爱又无比纯真的孩子。
I saw the most miserable things going on between husbands and wives, parents and children, — sweet, inparable children.
我看到了人类没有能力知道的事情,虽然他们都很想知道 —— 他们邻居的不良行为。
I have seen what no human being has the power of knowing, although they would all be very glad to know — the evil conduct of their neighbors.
had I written a newspaper, how eagerly it would have been read! Instead of which, I wrote directly to the persons themselves, and great alarm arose in all the town I visited.
they had so much fear of me, and yet how dearly they loved me.
the professor made me a professor.
the tailor gave me new clothes; I am well provided for in that way.
the overseer of the mint struck coins for me.
the women declared that I was handsome, and so I became the man you now see me.
And now I must say adieu.
here is my card.
I live on the sunny side of the street, and always stay at home in rainy weather.”
And the shadow departed.
“这一切都非常不寻常。” 学者说道。
“this is all very remarkable,” said the learned man.
Years passed, days and years went by, and the shadow came again.
“how are you going on now?”he asked.
“啊!” 学者说;“我正在写关于真、善、美的东西;但是没有人愿意听这些。我非常绝望,因为我对此事非常在意。”
“Ah!” said the learned man; “I am writing about the true, the beautiful, and the good; but no one cares to hear anything about it.I am quite in despair, for I take it to heart very much.”
“我从不这样在意。” 影子说;“我长得又胖又壮,人人都应该这样。
“that is what I never do,” said the shadow; “I am growing quite fat and stout, which every one ought to be.
You do not understand the world; you will make yourself ill about it; you ought to travel; I am going on a journey in the summer, will you go with me?
I should like a travelling panion; will you travel with me as my shadow?
It would give me great pleasure, and I will pay all expenses.”
“Are you going to travel far?” asked the learned man.
“这要看怎么看了。” 影子回答说。“不管怎样,旅行对你有好处,如果你愿意做我的影子,那么你旅行的所有费用都由我来支付。”
“that is a matter of opinion,” replied the shadow. “At all events, a journey will do you good, and if you will be my shadow, then all your journey shall be paid.”
“在我看来这很荒谬。” 学者说。
“It appears to me very absurd,” said the learned man.
“但这就是世道。” 影子回答说,“而且永远都会是这样。” 然后他就走了。
“but it is the way of the world,” replied the shadow, “and always will be.”
then he went away.
Everything went wrong with the learned man. Sorrow and trouble pursued him, and what he said about the good, the beautiful, and the true, was of as much value to most people as a nutmeg would be to a cow. At length he fell ill.
“你看起来真像个影子。” 人们对他说,然后他就会不寒而栗,因为他对这件事有自己的想法。
“You really look like a shadow,” people said to him, and then a cold shudder would pass over him, for he had his own thoughts on the subject.
“你真的应该去某个温泉疗养地。” 影子下次来访时说。“你没有别的机会了。
“You really ought to go to some watering - place,” said the shadow on his next visit.“there is no other chance for you.
I will take you with me, for the sake of old acquaintance.
I will pay the expenses of your journey, and you shall write a description of it to amuse us by the way.
I should like to go to a watering - place; my beard does not grow as it ought, which is from weakness, and I must have a beard.
Now do be sensible and accept my proposal; we shall travel as intimate friends.”
And at last they started together.
the shadow was master now, and the master became the shadow.
they drove together, and rode and walked in pany with each other, side by side, or one in front and the other behind, according to the position of the sun.
the shadow always knew when to take the place of honor, but the learned man took no notice of it, for he had a good heart, and was exceedingly mild and friendly.
one day the master said to the shadow, “we have grown up together from our childhood, and now that we have bee travelling panions, shall we not drink to our good fellowship, and say thee and thou to each other?”
“你说的话非常直率,也是好意。” 现在真正是主人的影子说。“我也会同样友善和直率。
“what you say is very straightforward and kindly meant,” said the shadow, who was now really master.“I will be equally kind and straightforward.
You are a learned man, and know how wonderful human nature is.
there are some men who cannot endure the smell of brown paper; it makes them ill.
others will feel a shuddering sensation to their very marrow, if a nail is scratched on a pane of glass.
I myself have a similar kind of feeling when I hear any one say thou to me.
I feel crushed by it, as I used to feel in my former position with you.
You will perceive that this is a matter of feeling, not pride.
I cannot allow you to say thou to me; I will gladly say it to you, and therefore your wish will be half fulfilled.”
then the shadow addressed his former master as thou.
“这太过分了,” 后者说,“我跟他说话时得用‘you’,而他却对我用‘thou’。”
“It is going rather too far,” said the latter, “that I am to say you when I speak to him, and he is to say thou to me.”
however, he was obliged to submit.
they arrived at length at the baths, where there were many strangers, and among them a beautiful princess, whose real disease consisted in being too sharp - sighted, which made every one very uneasy.
She saw at once that the new er was very different to every one else.
“他们说他来这儿是为了让胡子长出来,” 她想,“但我知道真正的原因,他不能投射出影子。”
“they say he is here to make his beard grow,” she thought; “but I know the real cause, he is unable to cast a shadow.”
then she became very curious on the matter, and one day, while on the promenade, she entered into conversation with the strange gentleman.
being a princess, she was not obliged to stand upon much ceremony, so she said to him without hesitation, “Your illness consists in not being able to cast a shadow.”
“公主殿下您一定快要从您的疾病中康复了。” 他说。“我知道您的病是因为目光太敏锐引起的,在这件事上您完全看错了。
“Your royal highness must be on the high road to recovery from your illness,” said he.“I know your plaint arose from being too sharp - sighted, and in this case it has entirely failed.
I happen to have a most unusual shadow.
have you not seen a person who is always at my side?
persons often give their servants finer cloth for their liveries than for their own clothes, and so I have dressed out my shadow like a man; nay, you may observe that I have even given him a shadow of his own; it is rather expensive, but I like to have things about me that are peculiar.”
“how is this?”thought the princess; “am I really cured?
this must be the best watering - place in existence.
water in our times has certainly wonderful power.
but I will not leave this place yet, just as it begins to be amusing.
这位外国王子 —— 因为他肯定是一位王子 —— 是最让我喜欢的。
this foreign prince — for he must be a prince — pleases me above all things.
I only hope his beard won’t grow, or he will leave at once.”
In the evening, the princess and the shadow danced together in the large assembly rooms.
She was light, but he was lighter still; she had never seen such a dancer before.
She told him from what country she had e, and found he knew it and had been there, but not while she was at home.
he had looked into the windows of her father’s palace, both the upper and the lower windows; he had seen many things, and could therefore answer the princess, and make allusions which quite astonished her.
She thought he must be the cleverest man in all the world, and felt the greatest respect for his knowledge.
when she danced with him again she fell in love with him, which the shadow quickly discovered, for she had with her eyes looked him through and through.
they danced once more, and she was nearly telling him, but she had some discretion; she thought of her country, her kingdom, and the number of people over whom she would one day have to rule.
“他是个聪明人,” 她暗自想道,“这是件好事,而且他舞跳得非常棒,这也很好。
“he is a clever man,” she thought to herself, “which is a good thing, and he dances admirably, which is also good.
but has he well - grounded knowledge?
that is an important question, and I must try him.”
then she asked him a most difficult question, she herself could not have answered it, and the shadow made a most unaccountable grimace.
“你答不上来这个问题。” 公主说。
“You cannot answer that,” said the princess.
“我小时候学过一些相关的知识,” 他回答道;“而且我相信,就连站在那边门口的我的影子都能回答这个问题。”
“I learnt something about it in my childhood,” he replied; “and believe that even my very shadow, standing over there by the door, could answer it.”
“你的影子,” 公主说;“那可真太了不起了。”
“Your shadow,” said the princess; “indeed that would be very remarkable.”
“我不敢十分肯定,” 影子说;“但我倾向于相信他能做到。
“I do not say so positively,” observed the shadow; “but I am inclined to believe that he can do so.
he has followed me for so many years, and has heard so much from me, that I think it is very likely.
but your royal highness must allow me to observe, that he is very proud of being considered a man, and to put him in a good humor, so that he may answer correctly, he must be treated as a man.”
“我很乐意这么做。” 公主说。
“I shall be very pleased to do so,” said the princess.
So she walked up to the learned man, who stood in the doorway, and spoke to him of the sun, and the moon, of the green forests, and of people near home and far off; and the learned man conversed with her pleasantly and sensibly.
“他一定是个了不起的人,才会有这么聪明的影子!” 她想。“如果我选择他,这对我的国家和臣民来说将是真正的福祉,我会这么做的。”
“what a wonderful man he must be, to have such a clever shadow!” thought she. “If I were to choose him it would be a real blessing to my country and my subjects, and I will do it.”
So the princess and the shadow were soon engaged to each other, but no one was to be told a word about it, till she returned to her kingdom.
“谁也不许知道,” 影子说;“连我自己的影子也不行;” 他这么说有非常特别的理由。
“No one shall know,” said the shadow; “not even my own shadow;” and he had very particular reasons for saying so.
After a time, the princess returned to the land over which she reigned, and the shadow acpanied her.
“听着,我的朋友,” 影子对学者说;“现在我已经无比幸运和强大了,我要为你做一件非常好的事。
“Listen my friend,” said the shadow to the learned man; “now that I am as fortunate and as powerful as any man can be, I will do something unusually good for you.
You shall live in my palace, drive with me in the royal carriage, and have a hundred thousand dollars a year; but you must allow every one to call you a shadow, and never venture to say that you have been a man.
And once a year, when I sit in my balcony in the sunshine, you must lie at my feet as bees a shadow to do; for I must tell you I am going to marry the princess, and our wedding will take place this evening.”
“哼,这实在是太荒谬了。” 学者说。“我不能,也不会屈从于这种愚蠢的行为。
“Now, really, this is too ridiculous,” said the learned man. “I cannot, and will not, submit to such folly.
It would be cheating the whole country, and the princess also.
I will disclose everything, and say that I am the man, and that you are only a shadow dressed up in men’s clothes.”
“没有人会相信你的,” 影子说;“理智点吧,不然我就要叫卫兵了。”
“No one would believe you,” said the shadow; “be reasonable, now, or I will call the guards.”
“我要直接去找公主。” 学者说。
“I will go straight to the princess,” said the learned man.
“但我会先到那里,” 影子回答说,“而你会被送进监狱。”
“but I shall be there first,” replied the shadow, “and you will be sent to prison.”
And so it turned out, for the guards readily obeyed him, as they knew he was going to marry the king’s daughter.
“你在发抖,” 当影子出现在公主面前时,公主说。“发生什么事了吗?你今天可不能生病,因为今晚我们就要举行婚礼了。”
“You tremble,” said the princess, when the shadow appeared before her. You must not be ill to - day, for this evening our wedding will take place.”
“我经历了可能发生的最可怕的事情,” 影子说;“想象一下,我的影子发疯了;我想这么一个可怜、浅薄的头脑,承受不了太多;他幻想自己变成了一个真正的人,而我是他的影子。”
“I have gone through the most terrible affair that could possibly happen,” said the shadow; “only imagine, my shadow has gone mad; I suppose such a poor, shallow brain, could not bear much; he fancies that he has bee a real man, and that I am his shadow.”
“多么可怕啊,” 公主叫道;“他被关起来了吗?”
“how very terrible,” cried the princess; “is he locked up?”
“oh yes, certainly; for I fear he will never recover.”
“可怜的影子!” 公主说;“这对他来说太不幸了;把他从这脆弱的生命中解脱出来确实是一件好事;而且,说实在的,当我想到如今人们多么经常地站在下层阶级一边反对上层阶级时,悄悄把他除掉倒是一种策略。”
“poor shadow!” said the princess; “it is very unfortunate for him; it would really be a good deed to free him from his frail existence; and, indeed, when I think how often people take the part of the lower class against the higher, in these days, it would be policy to put him out of the way quietly.”
“这对他来说确实相当残酷,因为他是一个忠实的仆人。” 影子说;然后他假装叹了口气。
“It is certainly rather hard upon him, for he was a faithful servant,” said the shadow; and he pretended to sigh.
“你的品格很高尚。” 公主说,并向他鞠躬。
“Yours is a noble character,” said the princess, and bowed herself before him.
In the evening the whole town was illuminated, and cannons fired “boom,” and the soldiers presented arms.
It was indeed a grand wedding.
the princess and the shadow stepped out on the balcony to show themselves, and to receive one cheer more.
but the learned man heard nothing of all these festivities, for he had already been executed.