第21章 小妖精和杂货商 The Goblin and the Huckster(1 / 2)


the Goblin and the huckster, 1853



despite the fact that both goblin and grocer appear in the title, the goblin is the real hero of the tale.

奇怪的是,安徒生安排了三个角色,但没有把学生 \/ 诗人放在标题里。

oddly, Andersen has a cast of three but does not include the student\/poet in the title.


the goblin, a creature of fantasy, bridges the student’s world of poetic visions and the grocer’s world of merce and modities.


he lives out the dream of receiving material sustenance from the grocer (housing and a bowl of porridge) and spiritual nourishment from the poet (the visions that emerge from the pages of books).

《小妖精和杂货商》被收录在安德鲁?朗于 19 世纪末出版的着名儿童童话系列书籍中,至今仍在印刷。

“the Goblin and the Grocer” was included in Andrew Lang’s famous fairy-tale series of books for children published at the end of the nineteenth century and still in print today.


And yet it has not attained the canonical status of other tales by Andersen, in part because it is less a fairy tale for children than an allegory of reading for adults.

这个故事写于 1849 年,大约在安徒生的短篇小说越来越多地涉及艺术的时候,它赞美了书页上的文字将自身转化为闪闪发光的美丽幻想的力量,也颂扬了见证阅读行为的乐趣。

the story, written in 1849, around the time that Andersen’s short stories were being increasingly occupied with art, celebrates the power of words on a page to transform themselves into shimmering visions of beauty and also extols the pleasures of witnessing the act of reading.

当学生正在读一本 “破旧的书” 时,他那小小的阁楼房间变成了一个明亮的天堂,充满了景象、声音和香气。

while the student is reading from a “tattered book,” his tiny attic room transforms itself into a luminous paradise, filled with sights, sounds, and aromas.


the goblin, solely by observing the student, is able to experience for himself the visionary power of the book.


drawn to the material and to the spiritual, the goblin finds a way to have his porridge and eat it too.



there was once a regular student, who lived in a garret, and had no possessions.


And there was also a regular huckster, to whom the house belonged, and who occupied the ground floor.


A goblin lived with the huckster, because at christmas he always had a large dish full of jam, with a great piece of butter in the middle.


the huckster could afford this; and therefore the goblin remained with the huckster, which was very cunning of him.


one evening the student came into the shop through the back door to buy candles and cheese for himself, he had no one to send, and therefore he came himself; he obtained what he wished, and then the huckster and his wife nodded good evening to him, and she was a woman who could do more than merely nod, for she had usually plenty to say for herself.


the student nodded in return as he turned to leave, then suddenly stopped, and began reading the piece of paper in which the cheese was wrapped.


It was a leaf torn out of an old book, a book that ought not to have been torn up, for it was full of poetry.

“那边还有一些同样的。” 杂货商说:“我用一些咖啡豆从一个老妇人那里换来了这个;如果你愿意,你可以用六便士买下剩下的。”

“Yonder lies some more of the same sort,” said the huckster: “I gave an old woman a few coffee berries for it; you shall have the rest for sixpence, if you will.”

“我当然愿意。” 学生说:“把书给我而不是奶酪;没有奶酪我也可以吃我的面包和黄油。像这样撕毁一本书是一种罪过。”

“Indeed I will,” said the student; “give me the book instead of the cheese; I can eat my bread and butter without cheese. It would be a sin to tear up a book like this.


“You are a clever man; and a practical man; but you understand no more about poetry than that cask yonder.”


this was a very rude speech, especially against the cask; but the huckster and the student both laughed, for it was only said in fun.


but the goblin felt very angry that any man should venture to say such things to a huckster who was a householder and sold the best butter.


As soon as it was night, and the shop closed, and every one in bed except the student, the goblin stepped softly into the bedroom where the huckster’s wife slept, and took away her tongue, which of course, she did not then want.


whatever object in the room he placed his tongue upon immediately received voice and speech, and was able to express its thoughts and feelings as readily as the lady herself could do.


It could only be used by one object at a time, which was a good thing, as a number speaking at once would have caused great confusion.


the goblin laid the tongue upon the cask, in which lay a quantity of old newspapers.

“真的是这样吗,” 他问道,“你真的不知道诗歌是什么吗?”

“Is it really true,” he asked, “that you do not know what poetry is?”

“我当然知道,” 桶回答说:“诗歌是总是在报纸的角落里的东西,有时会被剪下来;我可以大胆地断言,我里面的诗歌比那个学生拥有的还多,而我只是杂货商的一个可怜的桶。”