during some days in summer, the sunbeams would lie on the floor of the cellar for about half an hour.
In this spot the poor sick boy would sit warming himself in the sunshine, and watching the red blood through his delicate fingers as he held them before his face.
then he would say he had been out, yet he knew nothing of the green forest in its spring verdure, till a neighbor’s son brought him a green bough from a beech-tree.
this he would place over his head, and fancy that he was in the beech-wood while the sun shone, and the birds carolled gayly.
one spring day the neighbor’s boy brought him some field-flowers, and among them was one to which the root still adhered.
this he carefully planted in a flower-pot, and placed in a window-seat near his bed.
And the flower had been planted by a fortunate hand, for it grew, put forth fresh shoots, and blossomed every year.
It became a splendid flower-garden to the sick boy, and his little treasure upon earth.
he watered it, and cherished it, and took care it should have the benefit of every sunbeam that found its way into the cellar, from the earliest morning ray to the evening sunset.
这花甚至萦绕在他的梦境里 —— 为他绽放,为他散发芬芳。
the flower entwined itself even in his dreams — for him it bloomed, for him spread its perfume.
And it gladdened his eyes, and to the flower he turned, even in death, when the Lord called him.
he has been one year with God.
during that time the flower has stood in the window, withered and forgotten, till at length cast out among the sweepings into the street, on the day of the lodgers’ removal.
And this poor flower, withered and faded as it is, we have added to our nosegay, because it gave more real joy than the most beautiful flower in the garden of a queen.”
“but how do you know all this?”
asked the child whom the angel was carrying to heaven.
“我知道,” 天使说,“因为我自己就是那个拄着拐杖走路的可怜生病的男孩,我很了解我自己的那朵花。”
“I know it,” said the angel, “because I myself was the poor sick boy who walked upon crutches, and I know my own flower well.”
then the child opened his eyes and looked into the glorious happy face of the angel, and at the same moment they found themselves in that heavenly home where all is happiness and joy.
And God pressed the dead child to his heart, and wings were given him so that he could fly with the angel, hand in hand.
then the Almighty pressed all the flowers to his heart; but he kissed the withered field-flower, and it received a voice.
then it joined in the song of the angels, who surrounded the throne, some near, and others in a distant circle, but all equally happy.
他们全都加入了赞美诗的合唱,无论伟大还是渺小 —— 善良、幸福的孩子,还有那朵曾经枯萎、被丢弃在狭窄黑暗街道上的一堆垃圾中的可怜野花。
they all joined in the chorus of praise, both great and small, — the good, happy child, and the poor field-flower, that once lay withered and cast away on a heap of rubbish in a narrow, dark street.