《霍尔格?丹斯克》,1845 年
holger danske, 1845
In denmark there stands an old castle named Kronenburg, close by the Sound of Elsinore, where large ships, both English, Russian, and prussian, pass by hundreds every day.
And they salute the old castle with cannons, “boom, boom,” which is as if they said, “Good-day.”
而古堡的大炮则回应 “轰” 的一声,意思是 “多谢”。
And the cannons of the old castle answer “boom,” which means “many thanks.”
In winter no ships sail by, for the whole Sound is covered with ice as far as the Swedish coast, and has quite the appearance of a high-road.
丹麦国旗和瑞典国旗飘扬着,丹麦人和瑞典人相互问候 “日安” 和 “多谢”,不是用大炮,而是友好地握手;他们还相互交换白面包和饼干,因为外国的东西吃起来味道最好。
the danish and the Swedish flags wave, and danes and Swedes say, “Good-day,” and “thank you” to each other, not with cannons, but with a friendly shake of the hand; and they exchange white bread and biscuits with each other, because foreign articles taste the best.
but the most beautiful sight of all is the old castle of Kronenburg, where holger danske sits in the deep, dark cellar, into which no one goes.
he is clad in iron and steel, and rests his head on his strong arm; his long beard hangs down upon the marble table, into which it has bee firmly rooted; he sleeps and dreams, but in his dreams he sees everything that happens in denmark.
on each christmas-eve an angel es to him and tells him that all he has dreamed is true, and that he may go to sleep again in peace, as denmark is not yet in any real danger; but should danger ever e, then holger danske will rouse himself, and the table will burst asunder as he draws out his beard.
then he will e forth in his strength, and strike a blow that shall sound in all the countries of the world.
An old grandfather sat and told his little grandson all this about holger danske, and the boy knew that what his grandfather told him must be true.
As the old man related this story, he was carving an image in wood to represent holger danske, to be fastened to the prow of a ship; for the old grandfather was a carver in wood, that is, one who carved figures for the heads of ships, according to the names given to them.
And now he had carved holger danske, who stood there erect and proud, with his long beard, holding in one hand his broad battle-axe, while with the other he leaned on the danish arms.
the old grandfather told the little boy a gig deal about danish men and women who had distinguished themselves in olden times, so that he fancied he knew as much even as holger danske himself, who, after all, could only dream; and when the little fellow went to bed, he thought so much about it that he actually pressed his chin against the counterpane, and imagined that he had a long beard which had bee rooted to it.
but the old grandfather remained sitting at his work and carving away at the last part of it, which was the danish arms.
And when he had finished he looked at the whole figure, and thought of all he had heard and read, and what he had that evening related to his little grandson.
then he nodded his head, wiped his spectacles and put them on, and said, “Ah, yes; holger danske will not appear in my lifetime, but the boy who is in bed there may very likely live to see him when the event really es to pass.”
And the old grandfather nodded again; and the more he looked at holger danske, the more satisfied he felt that he had carved a good image of him.
It seemed to glow with the color of life; the armor glittered like iron and steel.
the hearts in the danish arms grew more and more red; while the lions, with gold crowns on their heads, were leaping up.
“那是世界上最漂亮的盾徽,” 老人说。
“that is the most beautiful coat of arms in the world,” said the old man.
“the lions represent strength; and the hearts, gentleness and love.”
And as he gazed on the uppermost lion, he thought of King canute, who chained great England to denmark’s throne; and he looked at the second lion, and thought of waldemar, who untied denmark and conquered the Vandals.
the third lion reminded him of margaret, who united denmark, Sweden, and Norway.
but when he gazed at the red hearts, their colors glowed more deeply, even as flames, and his memory followed each in turn.
the first led him to a dark, narrow prison, in which sat a prisoner, a beautiful woman, daughter of christian the Fourth, Eleanor Ulfeld, and the flame became a rose on her bosom, and its blossoms were not more pure than the heart of this noblest and best of all danish women.
“啊,是的;丹麦盾徽里的那颗心确实很高贵,” 祖父说道,他的思绪随着第二团火焰飘去,那火焰把他带到了海上,那里炮声轰鸣,船只笼罩在浓烟之中,那颗燃烧的心化作勋章的绶带附着在维特费尔特的胸前,当时他为了拯救舰队,把自己和他的船炸上了天。
“Ah, yes; that is indeed a noble heart in the danish arms,” said the grandfather, and his spirit followed the second flame, which carried him out to sea, where cannons roared and the ships lay shrouded in smoke, and the flaming heart attached itself to the breast of hvitfeldt in the form of the ribbon of an order, as he blew himself and his ship into the air in order to save the fleet.
And the third flame led him to Greenland’s wretched huts, where the preacher, hans Egede, ruled with love in every word and action.